Inflection Point
One subject that I relish talking to humanity is 'marriage'. Can't help passing a smile when I try comprehending the amusing little activities that these soon-would-be-brides/bridegroom undertake, their insight into what marriage means to them, their expectations post-marriage, their ceaseless phone conversations etc etc. As a beholder, the entire setting appears exciting.
Oflate, I have fallen a prey to this marriage syndrome. Was taken by surprise when discovered that people from well-wishers to friends to complete strangers were so keen in knowing my future plans (Yes, 'future' is the euphemism they use for 'marriage'). I would be lying if I say that I have never contemplated over this, but frankly speaking I am clueless when I think of it.
The scenario is all the more tricky for souls who fall in my category - those who are not seeing anyone. Not that I am the most desirable bachelor (or come even close to that), still at times the expectations are high. But then try being pragmatic, and the hope is for atleast a suitable match ('suitable'????).
So much at stake and so little one can do about it. Perhaps, this is the charm of the entire thing.